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Biotron is the key toВ human health. The use ofВ concentrated radiation of young organisms for health improvement and prolongation of active life
Evgeny Komrakov

Leonid Prokhorov

It describes history of attempts to rejuvenate old people. Now a lot of data has been accumulated on the distant impact of some biological objects on others. The key importance is the concentration of exposure. For this purpose, Biotron or Bio-camera devices have been invented. In the experiment, mice lived 25% longer and remained young and active in old age, unlike decrepit and sedentary control animals. Various EKOM Biotrons are described, as well as their impact on human health.

Biotron is the key toВ human health

The use ofВ concentrated radiation of young organisms for health improvement and prolongation of active life

Evgeny Komrakov

Leonid Prokhorov

© Evgeny Komrakov, 2022

© Leonid Prokhorov, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0059-3807-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

UDC 576.534; 591.139

BBK 28.703

Komrakov Evgeny V., Prokhorov Leonid Yu. Biotron is the key toВ human health. The use ofВ concentrated radiation ofВ young organisms for health improvement and prolongation ofВ active life. Moscow/Ekaterinburg, Russia.

AВ brief history ofВ attempts toВ rejuvenate people, from ancient times toВ the present day, is described. The various methods byВ which they tried toВ rejuvenate old people are listed. Currently, aВ lot ofВ data is accumulating on the distant impact ofВ some biological objects on others. The concentration ofВ this impact is ofВ key importance. For this purpose, devices called Biotron or Bio-Chamber have been invented. They concentrate and thereby enhance the effect ofВ young seedlings ofВ cereal plants on the human body and experimental animals. As aВ result, experimental animals, such as mice, live 25% longer and even inВ old age remain young and physically active, unlike decrepit and sedentary control animals. EKOM Biotrons ofВ different sizes and efficiency are described. There are Biotrons the size ofВ aВ room, there are professional and personal Biotrons specifically for the home. The session time varies from 20В minutes inВ aВ Sedentary 8-reflex Biotron toВ 8В hours (night) inВ aВ Personal Biotron. The influence ofВ EKOM Biotrons on human health is described.

The book is intended for everyone who is interested inВ gerontology, ways ofВ rejuvenation, recovery and increasing active longevity.

It is not aВ medicinal product. Consult aВ specialist.

Keywords: gerontology, life span, life expectancy, longevity, prolongation ofВ active and healthy life, healthy old age, anti-aging, aging, rejuvenation, Biotron, Bio-chamber, Jiang Kanzhen, Komrakov, health improvement, joint diseases, spine, sleep improvement, diabetes mellitus, libido, restless legs syndrome, genitourinary system, mice, nematodes.

2022В В© Komrakov EvgenyВ V,

2022В В© Prokhorov LeonidВ Yu.

AВ photo ofВ aВ 4-reflex Biotron EKOM E.V. Komrakov was used for the cover. The design ofВ L. Yu. Prokhorov.

The history ofВ attempts toВ rejuvenate people

Since the biblical times of King David, people have tried to use young organisms to prevent aging, improve health and even for rejuvenation. Most often, young innocent girls were used for this purpose. For a long time it was believed that their breath restores youth, drives away old age and prolongs life. In the Old Testament, it is described that when King David (1035—965 BC) grew old, they found him a very beautiful young girl, Avmsaga Shunammite, who took care of him, slept with him, but the king did not know her. The last queen of Hellenistic Egypt, the great Cleopatra VII Philopator (69—30 BC) from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty (Lagids) constantly surrounded herself with babies and claimed that they supported her youth. Similar methods were used by many rulers, for example, Genghis Khan and many others.

The story of King David’s communication with the beautiful Avmsagu Sunamite became a true legend and encouraged many elderly people who were looking for the elixir of youth. The original method of rejuvenation has since been called “sunamitism”.

Sunamitism experienced its real renaissance inВ the XVII century AD, especially inВ France, where aВ fairly massive business was even organized toВ rejuvenate old people.

There was an opinion that older people become energy vampires. The elderly body tries to compensate for the lack of its energy at the expense of the energy of others, in most cases, young people. Despite the fact that no positive results of rejuvenation with the use of such techniques have been registered, it seems that there is some truth in this. This technique clearly lacked one main element – the concentration of bioenergy from young organisms to old ones.

InВ 1889, the French scientist Charles Eduard Brown-Secard injected an extract from the seminal glands ofВ aВ dog under his skin. He officially announced aВ new method ofВ rejuvenation invented byВ him. At first it was perceived as aВ sensation. However, if there was an effect, it was very short-lived. Brown-Sekar began toВ grow old very quickly and died five years later at the age ofВ 76.

At the beginning of the last century, the Austrian scientist, biologist Eigen Steinach (1861—1944) became the ruler of minds in the scientific world. Ligation of the vas deferens has a strong stimulating effect on the male gland. To this end, he performed operations of dissection of the testes and ligation of the vas deferens, believing that, entering the tissues, sex hormones will be absorbed into the blood more intensively and thereby will have an effective rejuvenating effect. Steinach’s highly publicized operations also soon brought disappointment. Their positive consequences, if they took place, were far from as great as the advertisement promised.

Russian-born French surgeon Sergey (Samuel) Abramovich Voronov (1866—1951) became famous for the technique of grafting monkey testicular tissue to human testicles. Initially, for the purpose of rejuvenation, S.A. Voronov performed operations to transplant the testicles of executed young criminals to very rich elderly people. When the demand for such services began to significantly exceed the supply, he began to use tissue from the testicles of monkeys for transplantation. To cover the ever-growing demand for biological material, S.A. Voronov opened his own monkey nursery on the French Riviera. Among his patients were well-known businessmen, artists and politicians at that time. As contemporaries testified, the initial effect of the operations was amazing. Elderly people literally came to life, there was a huge queue for the famous surgeon. However, as it turned out, the operations brought only a temporary effect, and subsequently led to necrosis of the transplanted tissue. Repeated surgery gave an even more short-term effect. Subsequent operations, in general, lost all meaning.

InВ the 20th century and inВ recent decades, scientists have become more active, trying toВ somehow use young organisms toВ prolong life and rejuvenate old ones. What kind ofВ experiments have not been carried out byВ scientists toВ rejuvenate the old body with the help ofВ aВ young one. Blood was transfused, cells were transplanted, especially stem cells, spleen, skin, etc. were transplanted.

Hundreds of experiments were conducted when old and young mice were stitched together, organizing a single blood circulation (parabiosis). Young blood cells, young hormones and other young components produced by a young mouse were constantly circulating in the old body. The old mouse was only slightly rejuvenated and the life span increased slightly, but the young mouse was “infected” with old age from the old one.

Many scientists have investigated the well-known phenomenon ofВ induction ofВ physiological processes inВ living cells and tissues under the influence ofВ aВ signal transmitted toВ them from other living cells without direct contact ofВ culture media and without the participation ofВ chemical signal carriers. An overview ofВ the effects ofВ this type is given inВ the article Van Wijk R. (2001). The fundamentals ofВ the phenomenological theory ofВ biophotonic interactions are presented inВ the monograph PoppВ F.A. et al., (1992).

One example of this effect is the so-called “mitogenic” effect described by Gurwitsch A.G in a 1926 monograph (Gurwitsch, 1926), according to which one group of plant cells in the mitosis phase induces mitosis in another group of cells, while both groups are separated by a quartz partition impervious to liquid medium.

The effect ofВ animal cells on each other is also known, inВ particular, the influence ofВ developing embryos ofВ one organism on the embryogenesis ofВ embryos ofВ another organism, that is, the so-called distant interaction between animal cells (Burlakov, 1999).

According to general opinion, the most likely carriers of this type of effects are low-intensity electromagnetic radiation (see Biophotons monograph edited by Jiin-Ju Chang et al. (Biophotons, 1998) and especially the article in the book: Bei et al., p.57—64).

Recent research byВ aВ group ofВ scientists led byВ Michal Cifra from the Institute ofВ Photonics and Electronics (IPE) has also unequivocally shown the presence ofВ electromagnetic radiation from living objects.

Patent RU 97636В byВ the author ZakharovВ Yu. A., (2009) describes aВ device for transmitting electromagnetic radiation from young seedlings toВ the skin ofВ the face and head and there are some theoretical justifications.

InВ the patent RU 2108028В byВ the authors KotovВ B.S. and GavinskyВ Yu. V. (1996), the results ofВ measurements ofВ biological radiation ofВ sprouts ofВ various plants inВ the wavelength range from 2В microns toВ 2В mm are given (Fig. 1). The radiation power density (W/cm

) is indicated on one axis, and the age ofВ the sprouts is indicated on the other axis inВ days.

However, all these scientists have only recorded the presence ofВ radiation from living objects and the fact that it affects other living objects. None ofВ them have tested how radiation from young organisms can affect an old or sick organism.

It is known that elementary particles are both matter and aВ field at the same time. Russian scientist Pyotr Goryaev believed that genes also have both aВ material and aВ field component. When an old or sick organism is exposed toВ concentrated electromagnetic radiation from living young organisms, specific significant positive changes occur. This may be the correction ofВ information wave exchange failures between cells and organs that appear with aging or disease. There is an opinion that the genome is just aВ disk on which important wave information is recorded.

Jiang Kanzhen’s Method

The only brilliant Russian scientist ofВ Chinese origin, Jiang Kanzhen, guessed toВ use concentrated bio-radiation ofВ young organisms toВ prolong life, improve health and rejuvenate the old or sick. As donors inВ his experiments, he used young organisms, most often plant seedlings.

InВ recent decades, he has used aВ device inВ the form ofВ aВ copper ball with aВ diameter ofВ 3.6В m (Fig. 2). Journalists called this copper ball mysterious and wrote that attempts toВ copy it failed.

AВ wooden floor was made inВ this ball at aВ height ofВ about 90В cm. AВ bed for the patient was installed inВ one focal area, and aВ stand with plants was installed inВ the other focal area. Jiang claimed that the principle ofВ operation ofВ this ball is that from one focal zone inВ which plants are installed, radiation, reflecting from the part ofВ the sphere closest toВ the plants, is transmitted toВ the part ofВ the sphere that is near the bed and concentrates on the patient.

Let’s figure out what’s really going on.

Figures 3 and 4 show a sketch of the section of the Jiang Biotron. In these sketches, three-dimensional, spherical focal zones are depicted in yellow, which are formed near the middle of the radius of the sphere (90 cm from the center). The estimated thickness of these focal zones is 13 cm. Fig. 3 shows that the focal zone, due to the curvature, practically does not capture the patient’s head and legs. And in Fig. 4, the focal zone strongly extends beyond the patient. The height of the stand with plants is 180 cm, and the height of the focal zone in the middle of the radius will be 90 cm. At the same time, the height of the recumbent patient is only about 20 cm. Consequently, only about 25% of plant radiation works for the patient in this plane. The rest of the radiation flies by. Figures 3 and 4 shows: 1 – a stand with plants, 2 – a copper sphere, 3 – active parts of the sphere, 4 – a patient, 5 – a bed, 6 – a door in Fig. 3 or a foundation in Fig. 4; 3, 7 – spherical volumetric focal zones.

The focal zone 7, which is also located inside the plant stand, has an estimated thickness ofВ 13В cm. At the same time, the thickness ofВ the stand with plants is 70В cm. Then the focal zone will occupy only 20% ofВ the total volume ofВ plants.

If we proceed from this, then only 20% of plant radiation will fall on the active part of sphere 3 closest to the stand. But that’s not even the point. When plants radiate from the focal zone to the active part of sphere 7 near plants, radiation is de-concentrated, then this radiation is reflected from this part of the sphere and, flying through a stand with basins with earth and plants, falls on the active part of sphere 7 near the bed. Further, the radiation is concentrated on the patient in the focal zone 7. Thus, there is a simple transmission of radiation from plants to the patient without any concentration (first deconcentration, and then concentration) and with large losses from double reflection, passing through the stand and a long distance. This is equivalent to the fact that the patient is just 5.4 meters away from the plants (90 cm +360 cm +90 cm). Based on this, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion that Jiang mistakenly described the principle of operation of the Biotron. In fact, all plants from stand 1 radiate directly to the active part of sphere 3 near the bed, and this part of the sphere effectively concentrates this radiation on the patient (green arrows in the figure). And the radiation of plants in the other direction is concentrated by the active part of the sphere near the plants and forms a focal zone inside the stand with plants, which makes no sense.

Until 2004, Jiang did sessions on Biotron for 8 hours. The recommended course was 30—40 such sessions 2 times a year. It is clear that it was impossible for both patients and businesses to regularly use Biotron in this mode. Jiang was working with specialists from Khabarovsk Technical University to manufacture an electronic amplifier for his Biotron. In 2004, such an amplifier (with white noise emission) It was created and Jiang began to apply it. The session in the Biotron was reduced to 45 minutes.

The principle of operation of the amplifier was not fully understood. From the description of the amplifier: “A method of amplifying the radiation of a biological object, characterized in that for influencing objects using the invention �Biotron Jiang’, patent No. 2090613 RU (Jiang Kanzhen, 1995), additional irradiation of objects placed in a permanent magnetic field is applied by electromagnetic radiation from generators of �white noise’ in meter, microwave- and extremely high frequency bands, causing the effect of double electron-nuclear magnetic resonance in objects, while the objects themselves, located in the focal zones of the Jiang Biotron, mutually irradiate each other with an informative biological electromagnetic field, causing a four-element electron-nuclear magnetic resonance in the system, additional electromagnetic energy through the effect of a four-element electron-nuclear magnetic resonance turns in an informative biological electromagnetic field from objects, the effect of strengthening the biological electromagnetic field is obtained.” Jiang’s attempt to patent an amplifier with this description failed.

Jiang believed that using such an amplifier could be quite harmful. He limited the session time to 45 minutes and the number of sessions in the course to 21, did not allow consecutive sessions. He insisted that the patient receive 7 sessions, then a break of a week, then 7 sessions, again a break of a week and the last 7 sessions. Jiang also did not allow courses to be held more than 2 times a year. At the same time, Jiang himself worked around this amplifier for 12 hours every day. Experts warned him that it was harmful. The most likely cause of Jiang’s death in 2018 is prolonged exposure for 14 years to powerful EM radiation from this amplifier. He died of pneumonia at the age of 85, most likely due to a low level of immunity.

Komrakov visited Jiang in Khabarovsk at the very end of 2008. He completed a course of 21 sessions of 45 minutes in a Biotron with an amplifier. After that, vision improved significantly (it was +2.5) and never used glasses again. The pressure has also stabilized and some other parameters have improved. Komrakov believed in this technology and tried to negotiate with Jiang about cooperation. Jiang refused. Komrakov had to start looking for a more efficient version of the Biotron design. Six months later, he came up with such a design and in September 2009 received priority for the invention. The main idea of the invention was to transfer the active part of the sphere, which was located near the plants at a radius distance. Then the focal zone, which was inside the stand with plants, was transferred along with part of the sphere. This made it possible to form a joint focal zone in the center of the device. Figure 5 shows a view of the Biotron from patent RU 2533058 (Komrakov, 2012). The joint focal zone 6 is formed in the middle of the radius of both reflectors in the center of the device, where the bed for the patient is installed. Stands with plants are installed either on both sides of each reflector, or on one side next to the bed. The first EKOM Biotron under patent was built in 2010 in the city of Perm (Russia). Figure 6 shows the last EKOM Biotron of this design, which was built in Vietnam in 2018. The dimensions of the EKOM Biotron chamber were 4x4 meters. Due to the use of two reflectors, many times more plants, and a two-sided focal zone, the efficiency of the EKOM Biotron of this design was about 15 times more efficient than Jiang’s Biotron. This made it possible to use the EKOM Biotron without an amplifier and do courses of 12 sessions with a session duration of 1 hour.

The strange color of the EKOM Biotron lighting is due to the fact that the activity of the main parameters of plant growth peaks in areas of blue and red light (Fig. 6A). The most effective is a mixture – blue 25% and red 75%. Now special LED phytolamps and phytolents are being produced. In 2010, they were not released and had to make lighting consisting of 2 red and one blue LED strip.

The first two EKOM Biotrons were made of copper, as well as Jiang’s Biotron. Then, both EKOM Biotrons and compact Biotrons were made of aluminum. This is due to the reflective properties of the metal. The radiation of plants was discovered by the Russian scientist Alexander Gurvich in 1923. To put it simply, he did experiments with onions. When two bulbs were next to each other and one of them was infected with rot, then the second bulb was infected with rot. When two bulbs were hermetically separated by glass, no infection occurred. When two bulbs were hermetically separated by quartz glass, infection occurred. From this, Gurvich concluded that there is information interaction between the bulbs through radiation in the ultraviolet (UV) range, which was later confirmed. Gurvich called the detected radiation mitogenetic. Jiang said that the best metal for Biotrons is gold, silver is possible, and copper is possible. However, judging by the graph of the reflectivity of different metals (Fig. 7), hard UV with wavelengths from 100 to 250 nanometers effectively reflects only aluminum. Neither gold, silver, nor copper in this range effectively reflect UV.

Plants and other young organisms that can be used as donors inВ Biotrons emit not only inВ the UV range. They can emit both inВ the infrared (IR) and terahertz ranges, UHF, microwave and even inВ ultrasound. InВ these ranges, copper, like aluminum, works well. But when using copper, the UV range is lost.

How is the volumetric focal zone ofВ the Biotron formed?

The basic idea ofВ all EKOM Biotrons is that the reflectors are installed at aВ distance ofВ the radius ofВ their curvature. This makes it possible toВ form aВ joint focal zone inВ the center ofВ the device, where the person lies. An example ofВ such aВ device is shown inВ FigureВ 8.

The area ofВ each reflector is only 0.6В m

. And inВ reality, many hundreds ofВ square meters ofВ reflectors work on the formation ofВ the focal zone. This section describes exactly how it works.

Figure 9В shows aВ part ofВ the sphere and the optical axis OP from its center. Parallel toВ this optical axis, aВ beam AB is drawn at aВ distance ofВ a. The greater the distance a, the closer point F is toВ the sphere (the angle ofВ incidence is equal toВ the angle ofВ reflection).

If we take several parallel rays, they will form aВ line on the optical axis from point R/2В toВ point F with aВ length that depends on the distance a. The length ofВ this line can be accurately calculated depending on the distance aВ and the radius R ofВ the sphere byВ the formula:

This formula and its conclusion are given inВ the description ofВ the patent RU 2533058В (Komrakov, 2012). The maximum distance aВ for the EKOM Biotron is 1500В mm, and for the Jiang Biotron 800В mm (half the length ofВ the stand with plants). The estimated length ofВ the focal line from point R/2В toВ point F will be 16В cm for the EKOM Biotron, and 13В cm for the Jiang Biotron.

The formation of such a line from point R/2 to point F is called “spherical aberration”. Spherical aberration is a serious drawback in most devices related to energy concentration. However, in the case of a Biotron, spherical aberration is a significant ADVANTAGE, since it allows you to form a volumetric focal zone with a size comparable to the zone of location of all major human organs. If we consider, for example, a parabola instead of a sphere, then it will form a focus at one point, and not a focal line. And this is a big disadvantage for Biotron. In addition, the parabola has a huge disadvantage due to the fact that it’s only one main optical axis and radiation only parallel to this axis will concentrate. The rest will dissipate. In the sphere, this is not the case at all, but more on that below.

In Figure 10, we have added a few more elements. Imagine a stream of rays parallel to the optical axis OR. In the vast majority of devices used in the world, such a stream comes from an infinitely remote point source (communications, radar, optics). It’s a classic. However, a Biotron is not a classic and the same stream of parallel rays is formed from a stand with plants (shown in green), which is installed in the opening of a spherical reflector, of course with some distortions due to the close distance of the distributed source from the reflector, which will lead to a certain decrease in the quality of concentration, which is even useful for Biotron technology, where it is necessary to create a volumetric focal zone. All plants available on the stand in a Large Biotron (Fig. 6), of which approximately 250 thousand, radiating parallel to the optical axis of the OP will form a focal line FoF. Figure 10 shows the course of the rays from the blades of grass, which are located at points 1—5. At the same time, to form this focal line, a part of the sphere P1 with a size of 3000x2200 mm (projection of the size of the stand with plants on the sphere) will work. Thus, there will be 250 thousand parallel rays from 250 thousand blades of grass per area of the sphere with a size of 3000x2200 mm. And ALL these rays will be reflected from the sphere and form a focal line FoF 16 cm long!

If it had been a parabola, that would have been the end of it. All these 250 thousand rays would be honestly focused at one point. Radiation from other directions will dissipate. But that’s NOT how the sphere works AT ALL!

Now consider Fig. 11. It is clear that from the center ofВ the sphere toВ its surface, you can draw as many completely equivalent optical axes as you like. For example, the OR2 and OR3 axes. Then all 250В thousand plants from the stand will radiate together and parallel toВ these axes and will also form two focal lines on the optical axes OR2 and OR3 with aВ length ofВ 16В cm. At the same time, aВ part ofВ the sphere P2 will also work on the formation ofВ the focal line on the OR2 axis with aВ size ofВ 3000x2200 (projection on the sphere ofВ the stand with plants inВ the direction ofВ the OR2 axis). And for the formation ofВ the focal line on the OR3 axis, aВ part ofВ the P3 sphere with aВ size ofВ 3000x2200 mm will work byВ analogy.

Also, from the center ofВ the sphere O, you can draw many other axes (toВ the left, toВ the right, above, below). And, since 250В thousand plants will radiate parallel toВ these new axes, aВ focal line ofВ 16В cm long will also be formed on all these new axes with the help ofВ aВ part ofВ aВ sphere measuring 3000x2200 mm! And these are thousands ofВ optical axes within the angular aperture ofВ the reflector inВ the form ofВ aВ segment ofВ aВ spherical surface. After all, an axis half aВ degree apart from the other will already form its own, completely independent focal line from the radiation ofВ all 250В thousand plants from another direction, and another completely independent part ofВ the sphere with aВ size ofВ 3000x2200 mm will work on the formation ofВ this focal line. Thus, more than 60,000В m

ofВ the reflector surface will be used toВ form aВ joint focal zone ofВ the EKOM Biotron. For example, the angular aperture ofВ the EKOM Biotron reflector is 40x60

. If the optical axes are inВ half aВ degree, then 80x120 = 9600В optical axes will work on the reflector. If aВ completely independent part ofВ the 3000x2200 mm reflector works on each such axis, then the total area will be more than 60,000В m

(3В m x 2.2В m x 9600В = 63360В m). Only half ofВ the reflector area will work on the edges ofВ the reflector. Then the total effective area ofВ one reflector will be more than 30,000В m

. And two reflectors are more than 60,000В m2.

Thus, a spherical volumetric focal zone with a thickness of 16 cm, marked in red, will be formed. And a very high concentration. In such a situation, a parabola will honestly concentrate radiation parallel to its main optical axis from 250 thousand plants to a point and THAT’s IT. The radiation from the blades of grass from other directions of the parabola will not concentrate. For example, if a TV parabolic antenna tuned to a satellite is rotated at least a couple of degrees, then the signal from the satellite will disappear. Therefore, if we imagine the technical possibility to install thousands of parabolas with a size of 3000x2200 mm each with thousands of optical axes that will all be directed to one focal zone, then it would probably be possible to get about the same effect. Using only one parabola for Biotron technology is thousands of times less effective than using only one sphere.

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